Friday, April 30, 2010

Ray Veen is not a dork.

This might be dorky. But don't make fun of me.

It's my main characters. See?.... Really these are only the avatars my main characters are using in their futuristic version of an online role-playing game. I made Oblivion characters out of them and pasted some screenshots together. So now I know you want to make fun of me.

You better not.

Or I'll write you into my story and have really bad stuff happen to you.


Debra Lynn Shelton said...

You are SO not a dork. Okay, maybe you're a little bit of a dork. But, we love you, anyway. Keep on writing, my friend.

K. M. Walton said...

You're a writer, who's also a wee bit techie. Not dorky...interesting.

Plus, dorks don't have such a lovely wife who can STILL rock a bikini after children. You go, Mr. and Mrs. Veen. You go.

Kelly Polark said...

As long as you don't have action figures of these and play with them, then you are okay. :)

Ray Veen said...

Deb -- Thanks for understanding, buddy.

KM -- Oh yeah, dorks don't usually snag hot chicks like Cindy.

Kelly -- Did I forget to mention? I do have action figures.

Anita said...

What if I want a character named after me? And who cares if bad stuff happens to her?

Heather Kelly said...

I don't find this dorky at all. However, I am from the D&D generation, so my standards are kinda low...

Tina Laurel Lee said...

Ha! I'm laughing! And have no opinion about the dorkiness of it. Although, I'm willing to take my chances as a character, like Anita.

Ray Veen said...

Anita -- You're in. And it'll be really bad stuff.

Heather -- D&D, eh? How do you feel about beta reading?

Tina -- You're in too, but the stuff that happens to you won't be as bad.

Vikki said...

It's not dorky! That's cool! But can you write me into your story anyway? Maybe as some intergalactic mutant crime fighter! And balls of fire shoot out of my eyes when I'm mad! And I can have an old, demon possessed toaster as a side-kick.

Or, you know, whatever fits in best with your story...just make sure you give me good hair.

Sarah J Clark said...

I earned my dork badge years ago. I wear it proudly. You should too.

(Because we all know you're a bigger dork than me!) =)

HUBBYMAN said...

LOL!! I _DO_ have a character in a book (two, actually, if you count sequels) and some really strange things happen to him. And, if I'm not mistaken, _YOU_, BPV, were the first one to create a picture of Alceste. LaFlamme's wife is currently writing an Alceste story (it may be a back-story about when he and Zandor were young.