We're on vacation and man oh man did we need it. So. We took the kids and a pack of extra girls to the zoo, along with a couple random grandparents for added flavor. Here we are. We had fun. See us? In the pictures? Yeah, the traditional 'group-shot-on-the-statue' was junk. Very disappointing. Surely my mother got a better shot and then did a better job of editing. Anyhoo, here's a link to an on-line album where you can see all of our zoo pictures (and a couple stolen ones from Veeflower). Didn't take too many actually. Typing incomplete sentences again. Must mean I'm in a hurry. Probably cuz I'm trying to stitch together a quick video of zoo highlights. Guess I'll go do that now. Adios.

Kay. I'm back. Did it. Here it is. As you can see, we had us a pleasant afternoon smelling the animals and watching them mate and poop and whatnot. Highlights: spider monkey antics, hair-and-shorts-nibbling goat, and the lovely lovely weather. Lowlights: Brooke's horrific toe injury in the parking lot, the constant arguing over who gets to push the stroller, and the strange swollen nether regions of many of the animals. Overall score: excellent family outing.
1 comment:
It was swollen nether region day at the zoo for sure! My toe got peed on by a goat. Goat poop looks exactly like black beans. There was a strange smashed creature in the parking lot that looked like a miniature platypus. All the same, I loved every minute. I didn't even wash off my toe until the next day.
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